
Upon receiving a mysterious letter that her mother's grave has been vandalized, Marie travels to the desolate island town where she's buried. Just as she arrives, the island closes for the season, leaving Marie trapped in a nightmare.

  • Released: 2022-03-11
  • Runtime: 83 minutes
  • Genre: Horror, Mystery
  • Stars: Jocelin Donahue, Joe Swanberg, Richard Brake, Melora Walters, Jeremy Gardner, Jess Varley, Amanda Grace Benitez, Eliza Shin, Jonathan Medina, Ken Luzadder, April Linscott, Andrew Vilar, Andrew Varenhorst, Anthony Azar, Larry Fessenden
  • Director: Mickey Keating
  • bluerosecrow - 11 April 2024
    I was not expecting to like it this much.
    Perhaps it is because I had low expectations, but I actually loved this film. It had many layers that pulled from different sub-genres, and it kept me fully entertained.

    It is not without its dumb moments. The exposition dump is incredibly dumb. One character basically just admits that they were told everything, but just didn't believe it but now it makes sense. But the whole scene felt awkward. Like the writer just needed a place to dump the exposition so they decided to just do it during a random car ride scene.

    The first act gave a really good set up, and the second act really carried it forward by introducing an atmospheric reality bend. There were some creepy and unsettling moments that were enhanced with a really fun horror score.

    The third act upped the tension and added stress to the thick atmosphere. Some fun practical effects were used to add yet another layer into the mix. The whole experience felt like a classic horror - fun horror with a good atmosphere with creepy visuals and scenes that didn't rely on jump scares.

    For a very brief period, I was worried that I was going to be disappointed with the ending. But then, as the final scenes progressed, I ended up loving the ending. I was actually bummed when it ended because I was having so much fun with it. You will definitely see a lot of HP Lovecraft inspiration. All to twist more into one of the funnest endings I have seen in a while with a very almost light and quirky epilogue.

    Like I said above, it very well could be because I had such low expectations. It has a rating in the 4s, though I did take into account that horror movies are always rated low. But then I saw that the first couple reviews I looked at had some pretty negative things to say. So I was kind of expecting a bad movie with an ok premise. This turned out to be one of the favorite horror movies I had seen in a while. This will easily become a rewatch on at least a yearly basis.
  • LeRayIMBD - 18 December 2022
    Offseason, a bridge to hell?
    Movie viewed on Hulu.

    Offseason's run time is 1:24 and was released on March 11, 2021. It's Worldwide Gross was $13,000+ and was filmed in Smyrna Beach Florida. It stars Jocelin Donahue and Joe Swanberg and was directed by Mickey Keating.

    Summary: After receiving a mysterious letter, a woman travels to a desolate island town and soon becomes trapped in a nightmare.

    Offseason started off decent and kept my interest. It's filmed in gray and dark colors which makes it very gloomy. The middle of the movie is somewhat slow and for most of the movie Marie wonders around trying to figure out what's going on. There are several Chapters in movie and some good action at 25 minutes remaining. She does learn how to close a bridge which was cool. However, the ending is somewhat confusing and left me with questions?

    Overall this movie had potential. The plot was good and the acting was decent but never really goes anywhere and just didn't do anything for me. I give it 4/10 stars.