The Sleepless Unrest

The Sleepless Unrest

Filmmakers and paranormal investigators spend two weeks in the world-famous home that inspired the horror movie "The Conjuring."

  • Released: 2021-07-16
  • Runtime: 81 minutes
  • Genre: Documentaries, Horror, Mystery
  • Stars: Kendall Whelpton, Vera Whelpton, Brian Murray, Cory Heinzen, Richel Stratton, Jennifer Heinzen, John Huntington
  • Director: Kendall Whelpton, Vera Whelpton
  • pawsie-08857 - 5 January 2023
    Is that? No? Can't be? Can it?
    Ok, sooo 37min 11sec into it, right before he goes to the basement by hisself is what looks to be a figure in the window behind him but there was no mention of this. Am I seeing something that isn't there or am I seeing something that is there but shouldn't be? Or is there someone there that was there long before the team was there and they belong there? I'm a huge fan of these paranormal documentaries and I'm always looking for something in them that I have seen watching them that Noone else mentions. Maybe it's just me hoping I would find something and my eyes are playing tricks on me? Whatever the case may be, I hope someone can give me some insight to what they see in the window, if anything.
  • nerona13 - 20 July 2022
    This could have been alright...
    Why just whyyyyy must you add background music to this??!! It honestly ruined the whole vibe. If we're supposed to hear something happening but then add the music on top even louder wth is the point? 😐