2000 Mules

"2000 Mules," a documentary film created by Dinesh D'Souza, exposes widespread, coordinated voter fraud in the 2020 election, sufficient to change the overall outcome.

  • Released: 2022-05-02
  • Runtime: 89 minutes
  • Genre: Crime, Documentaries
  • Stars: Dinesh D'Souza, Catherine Engelbrecht, Larry Elder, Eric Metaxas, Sebastian Gorka, Dennis Prager, Hans von Spakovsky, Debbie D'Souza, Gregg Phillips, Charlie Kirk, Hans von Spakovsky, Stacey Abrams, Bret Baier, Joe Biden, Wolf Blitzer, Chris Cuomo, James O’Keefe, Don Lemon, Joy Reid, Shepard Smith, Donald Trump, Chris Wallace, Mark Zuckerberg
  • Director: Dinesh D'Souza, Bruce Schooley, Debbie D'Souza
  • danwalter-03890 - 6 January 2023
    "All D'Souza really has-if the cellphone data is real and is really what he represents it as being-is some evidence that some people made frequent trips in areas around ballot drop-off boxes which, by design, were usually placed in heavily-traveled areas for convenience... Putting that aside, who are these mules? Who paid them? Where is the evidence of people making repeated trips to illegally stuff drop-boxes with ballots? What non-profits were involved? These questions are not even asked, let alone answered, in the movie. The theory of the case relies almost entirely on digital maps with dots and squiggles, supposedly demonstrating the questionable movement of the "mules." Boom-Diggity. All that's left is for the FBI to take it from here. Or something."- Bullwark.
  • shafe4141 - 9 November 2022
    Anyone that believes absolutely anything in this film deserves to have their money taken from them. You are the absolute dumbest human beings on the planet. There is "evidence" of someone taking a ballot, out of a bag, and putting it in a dropbox. So they want you to believe...a person...voting...legally...is a mule. That is absolutely hilarious and you should all consider yourselves dumber for watching this utter waste of time. They also blur out a dog. A dog. Like it's some accomplice to a crime. Some furry little goodboye is probably also a mule. You absolute toilet bowl licking members of society.