
British Home Secretary Stella Simmons drives home one night while engaging in an affair with the Prime Minister. A mysterious man remotely hijacks her self-driving car, forcing her on a rampage through London

  • Released:
  • Runtime: 120 minutes
  • Genre: Action, Thrillers
  • Stars: Joshua Frater-Loughlin, Kevin Spacey, Adam Hopper
  • Director: Gene Fallaize
  • caradebistec - 14 April 2024
    Bad, mediocre, horrible, garbage, etc
    Where to begin? Literally every aspect of CONTROL is bad and mediocre. How did anyone in their right mind decided to work and/or finance this movie? The script is stupid and non sensical. The acting is terrible, the actress is supposed to be home secretary but talks and behaves like trash. Kevin Spacey clearly did this out of desperation and because no other offers come to the disgraced sex offender. The cinematography is horrible. It was all shot inside a studio so it's the same 3 shots all the time. No editing whatsoever. If you want to watch a good contained movie, watch LOCKE or PHONE BOOTH. This is diarrhea.