Come Out in Jesus Name

Come Out in Jesus Name

Following a startling chain of events, the most controversial pastor in America, Greg Locke, took a 180-degree turn from his mainstream religious traditions and led his church to the brink of revival. He and a diverse group of unconventional preachers then began to spark the most important awakening in the history of the Christian Church — through the most unlikely means – by casting out demons. This fiery film documents the beginnings of their journey. “Come Out In Jesus Name” will be followed by a live simulcast event where Pastor Locke and his fellow demon slayers will lead a supernatural mass deliverance... in Jesus name.

  • Released: 2023-03-13
  • Runtime: 100 minutes
  • Genre: Documentaries, Drama
  • Stars: Henry Shaffer, Ciara Clark
  • Director:
  • dalerandolph-21817 - 3 May 2024
    Spiritual sickness is as real as natural sickness, this movie shows people that have allowed demonic forces to abide with them. Jesus Christ came to set the captives free.
    Accept Jesus Christ, he sets the captive free.this movie shows the reality of demonic spirits and how to become free of them. Jesus Christ can set you free. God loves you and wants to save your soul and give you power through the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life, no man comes to the Father except through Him. The word of God is living, active and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and spirit, bone and marrow, judging the thoughts and intentions of the heart. In the beginning was the word, the word was with God and the word was God. Jesus.
  • TonySolomon - 13 April 2023
    Phenomenal movie that all Christians must see
    The movie is essential for all Christians to watch. It's full of wisdom and truth from deliverance ministers that cast out demons all year every year.

    The AMC theater that I saw the movie in didn't show the deliverance prayer at the end, but local deliverance ministers stepped up. I watched people get deliverance in the theater. I think because this movie was in 2000 movie theaters the 1st time and practically every single movie theater had people screaming and demons coming out of them. That made AMC decide not to show the 38 minute prayer to cast out the demons, but they still charged the extra money.

    I hope that they play this movie more. I will definitely be buying the DVD.