Sleeping Dogs

Roy Freeman, who is undergoing a cutting-edge Alzheimer’s treatment, is forced to grapple with the impact of an investigation from his former life after a death row inmate that Freeman arrested 10 years prior starts to proclaim his innocence. Intrigued and fighting to regain his memory, Freeman enlists his former partner to help him revive the case and discover the truth. Together, they set off to unravel a tangled web of secrets, forcing Freeman to make some horrific discoveries.

  • Released:
  • Runtime: 110 minutes
  • Genre: Drama, Thrillers
  • Stars: Karen Gillan, Thomas M. Wright, Harry Greenwood, Russell Crowe, Marton Csokas, Tommy Flanagan, Elizabeth Blackmore, Lynn Gilmartin, Jane Harber, Ming-Zhu Hii, Lucy-Rose Leonard, Pacharo Mzembe, Simon Maiden, Paula Arundell, Jasper Bagg, Cameron Leonard
  • Director: Adam Cooper
  • talllwoood13 - 4 July 2024
    sleeping audience - 2.5 / 10
    Well what can I say about this one. Firstly it's too long, some parts of it dragged out so long I struggled to pay any attention. Laura Baines character is so unlikable you can spot what is going to happen a mile away. I like the angle about Russell's character getting this new treatment which improves brain function and he goes down this rabbit hole trying to figure things out as when you retire you've got to have something to retire too and he was encouraged to keep stimulating his brain.

    I'm just glad this wasn't some garbage woke movie, no there was something for an actual audience. However just the way this movies plot unraveled it was a chore to finish. Perhaps a different director, a different casting choice than Russell as I don't know what to really say about his character in this. It's certainly not my favorite role he's been in. More than likely work a bit on the script to make it less convoluted. Something! Then again I doubt there's anything that could be done to this plot to make it a life changing 10 / 10 movie experience. Besides a plot that some but not all can follow the only thing saving this from a 1 star is the twist at the end.
  • mckls-72029 - 29 May 2024
    I liked cast and acting
    Sleeping Dogs, set in the bustling city of Hong Kong, is an open world crime drama and, if you like the genre, I should say go and see it.

    The film has a fanciful combat systems which allow players to perform a variety of martial arts moves while facing numerous opponents on their own.

    I definitely liked Russell Crowe as the homicide detective Freeman. The plot of the film is really interesting even if sometimes it did not seem that original to me, however, it is acted so well that this is unnoticeable.

    The music is pleasant, although it didn't impress me that much The movie, in my opinion, is worth seeing.